Food and Chuukese - Mar 31, 2019
Ran Allim!! Im finally back into Weno and get to email! The past few weeks have been amazing and I really dont know where to start. Im just gonna talk about food today. The food here is pretty crazy not gonna lie. The people mostly eat something called a breadfruit, which kinda looks like a green brain. They pick it and then shave the outside off so they can kinda steam it in a big pot. The stuff that comes out of the pot is called kon. Kon is kinda like a boiled potato, I like it. They then take the kon and put it on a log and smash it with a thing called a puo, which is like a hammer made out of coral. The Kon becomes kinda like dough at that point they just eat it like that, it isnt that good. Now for the last, and the worst thing made by mankind. For some reason these people take the tepen, the dough, and bury it in the ground. Theyll leave it in the ground for up to 10 years. Its called eput, and it kinda looks like if satan hocked a loogie into a leaf. It smells like......i...