Food and Chuukese - Mar 31, 2019
Ran Allim!!
Im finally back into Weno and get to email! The past few weeks have been amazing and I really dont know where to start. Im just gonna talk about food today.
The food here is pretty crazy not gonna lie. The people mostly eat something called a breadfruit, which kinda looks like a green brain. They pick it and then shave the outside off so they can kinda steam it in a big pot. The stuff that comes out of the pot is called kon. Kon is kinda like a boiled potato, I like it. They then take the kon and put it on a log and smash it with a thing called a puo, which is like a hammer made out of coral. The Kon becomes kinda like dough at that point they just eat it like that, it isnt that good. Now for the last, and the worst thing made by mankind. For some reason these people take the tepen, the dough, and bury it in the ground. Theyll leave it in the ground for up to 10 years. Its called eput, and it kinda looks like if satan hocked a loogie into a leaf. It smells like......i cant explain it. Just thinking of it makes me gag a little. Now imagine eating it. Ugghhhghhg its so hard to eat. Luckily the people know missionaries dont like it so only a few people give it to us. Everyday we usually eat some product of breadfruit with rice, maybe some fish or some kind of chicken. Bananas and Coconuts are also so amazing here. We have fresh coconuts everyday and have fresh coconut oil, meat, water, and milk whenever we want. So another thing that isnt illegal here is killing sea turtles, and let me tell you, turtle is amazing. As you can see in the picture they get pretty big. The people will slice its throat and then build a giant fire over it and let it cook for like 5 hours. We ran into all these drunk guys with that turtle and they invited us over to eat with them. It was awesome. Turtle is kinda like if you mixed prime rib with roast beef, so yea, its amazing. They then take the shell with all the guts in it and just use it like a giant bowl, and its actually super good. Well that pretty much all the food, its pretty good.
Uman is such a great area. Im slowly learning Chuukese and can now understand most of what people say and talk in lessons. Its so amazing to be able to learn and really feel the gift of tongues. The people here are so good and really have a lot of faith, they just need someone to help them direct it and use it to act. I read the book Saints that was just published by the church a few weeks ago and id really encourage all yall to read it if you can. I learned so much from it and it really helped me understand the origins of our church. Ive also been marking all the references to Christ in the Book of Mormon in the Topical Guide and its amazing to see how much Christ is in there. The one thing Ive learned so far is that we all really need to make sure we're humble. Always bend your will to the Lords, never try to bend his to yours. You wont win.
I love all of you and Im so sorry I cant write a lot to you personally, I just have so little time to write, but I pray for each of you everyday and hope you know how grateful I am for how much all of you have done for me to become who I am now.
Sepwop chu, I tong ngenikebi!!!
Elder Peterson
What a great thing the internet can be! Thanks for this. I kind of envy you and your adventure there, but I'm tooooo old and "mean" to learn a new language! I'd sure lose weight from the pictures of your food! I'll bet your Grandma is watching you eat that and saying "ick". She wouldn't even eat Gary's Elk Jerky! Loves and Prayers to you from Utah! Take care and we love you so! Aunt DeeAnn & Uncle Gary